Wallpaper for 2011

Sometimes it’s fun to page through these, and just enjoy the closeup view, the sudden ray of sunshine, 

the dew on the wheat, one after another. I thought you’d like them – that’s why I shot the pictures, 

edited and cropped them to be the right size, and gathered them for another year’s worth of wallpaper.  

Here’s a way to see them all, by having the computer rotate one picture after another for you. 

At a time interval you choose, you will see a new picture automatically set as your background image.    



or the shorter, simplified instructions at


Click on a small picture to get the bigger version, and you can right-click
and select "Set as Wallpaper" to make it your own view for as long as you like.

Wallpaper formatted for newer wide-screen monitors, 16x9 ratio, or 1920 x 1080 pixels.
1.78/brickbush.jpg 1.78/capedisappointment.jpg 1.78/chiseled.jpg 1.78/dawnwheat.jpg
1.78/genes.jpg 1.78/greenwinder.jpg 1.78/haidatrunk.jpg 1.78/mossfocus.jpg
1.78/nightlights.jpg 1.78/pizzasauce.jpg 1.78/teaselclouds.jpg 1.78/uforeflect.jpg

Wallpaper for 16x10 ratio monitors, usually 1680 x 1050 pixels.
1.60/archwalp1.jpg 1.60/berries.jpg 1.60/borg.jpg 1.60/brightree.jpg
1.60/cherryspoon.jpg 1.60/dawnwheat2.jpg 1.60/driftwindow.jpg 1.60/woodgrain.jpg
1.60/everparkenterprise.jpg 1.60/fogvalley.jpg 1.60/gardenhenge.jpg 1.60/gingerlyreachhedge.jpg
1.60/glassfish.jpg 1.60/hay.jpg 1.60/heron.jpg 1.60/iciclodge.jpg
1.60/lemons.jpg 1.60/martenprints.jpg 1.60/maxwindow.jpg 1.60/petalscarol.jpg
1.60/plinths.jpg 1.60/pollin.jpg 1.60/range.jpg 1.60/reinforcedsteel.jpg
1.60/sprucegraph.jpg 1.60/tanked.jpg 1.60/teaspoonofJim.jpg 1.60/vale.jpg

Wallpaper for traditional 4x3 (tube) monitors, 800 x 600, 1024 x 968 pixels.
1.33/applepeel.jpg 1.33/crocus2.jpg 1.33/fadebloom.jpg 1.33/faerie.jpg
1.33/hightrees.jpg 1.33/illumibranch.jpg 1.33/nightblooms.jpg 1.33/rainbows.jpg

Wallpaper for flat screen monitors with 5x4 radio, generally 1280x1024 pixels.
1.25/airswimmers.jpg 1.25/ballbearings.jpg 1.25/capedisappointment.jpg 1.25/churchfogtrees.jpg
1.25/grainwalp.jpg 1.25/lewisclarkdoors.jpg 1.25/moonrise.jpg 1.25/raindroplights.jpg
1.25/saddle.jpg 1.25/sidewalkmarble.jpg 1.25/squash.jpg 1.25/teaselsunset.jpg
1.25/thisyearspunkins.jpg 1.25/vanc10bars.jpg